Tag Archives: Sookmyung University

2014 International Education Tour in Seoul & Beijing: August – October

gradiStock_000020829404_SmallStudent: “What’s up Doc? Have any plans now that your dissertation is finished?” 

Me:  “I’m teaching my research in Korea and China.  My participants supported me and now I will support them.” 

Many people are surprised that I am not pursuing a traditional tenure-track career and instead, doing something completely foreign… literally foreign.  I’m teaching my research overseas on a 2014 International Education Tour in Seoul, South Korea and Beijing, China.  By partnering with Eastern Asian schools, colleges, and universities, I’m offering seminars about U.S. college success skills and cultural competencies to prepare students for United States studies.

 “There’s plenty of intelligence in the world, but the courage to do things differently is in short supply.” ~Marily Vos Savant

Typically U.S. colleges teach international students about U.S. culture and academic systems during the first week of school.  It’s often difficult learning during this time since students are already overwhelmed with moving into a new apartment, finding transportation, completing course placement tests, and buying textbooks while feeling jet lagged, knowing little English, and being alone in a foreign county.  The coolest part of teaching across the world will be seeing Korean and Chinese students learn how to succeed in the U.S. BEFORE they leave their homes.

My 2014 international education tour will help Korean and Chinese students prepare for life and studies the U.S. and thus, adjust to the academic and community culture faster.  These students will gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence to fully receive a quality, safe, and fun U.S. college experience.  Participants will be better prepared to earn higher grades, meet new U.S. friends, network with faculty, develop English skills, and avoid unnecessary acculturation stresses during their initial transition.

The tour’s theme is the “10 Best Strategies to Adjust and Succeed in the United States”.  For example, one of my seminars will be hosted at the prestigious Sookmyung Women’s University located in Seoul, South Korea.  I’m thrilled to collaborate with the Asia Institute and the HLSL Institute to teach 100 students in a three hour seminar consisting of traditional lecture, common U.S. classroom activities, guest speakers, group work, student and faculty videos, and an interactive workbook.  Together, we will provide these students with the elite preparation (knowledge and skills) to become excellent students in the U.S.

Study in the U.S.A.

Study in the U.S.A.

“미국대학에적응하고성공하기위한 10가지전략”

이세미나는학생들이미국대학에서또는다른교육기관에서공부할때미국의문화로적응하고, 건강, 안전, 성적, 전문적기술, 영어능력등을향상시키는것을준비하도록도와줍니다.

학생들은연구조사, 시범설명, 강의, 활동, 인터액티브워크북(Interactive Workbook), 초청연사, 학생, 학생경험담, 질의응답의순서로세미나를접하게됩니다.


Visit www.studyusaseminar.eventbrite.com to enroll in the Seoul seminar on September 15, 2014 6-9 pm.

Schools or agencies in Beijing, China and Seoul, South Korea are invited to contact Dr. Tara Madden-Dent about collaborating during the 2014 tour and future tours (i.e. school visits, lectures, and seminars, etc). 

“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson.




Filed under Higher Education, International Education